Monday, March 10, 2014

Integrating Technology in the Classroom

            I believe being comfortable integrating technology within the classroom and keeping up to date with technological developments is essential in education.  Using technology in the classroom can first of all encourage student engagement.  When designing a lesson on the importance of leadership during World War II, I planned a project where students designed mock Facebook pages for various political leaders.  The lesson was successful because of the incorporation of technology.  It is also important in understand technology because it significantly influences the lives of students.  Being familiar with the technologies students use can help educators relate to students more easily. 
            Technology also offers a wide variety of tools to carry out teaching responsibilities more efficiently.  Maintaining a class website is an efficient way of reminding students about assignments and providing information to students who have missed class.  Electronic grade books are also invaluable for tracking student progress and recording student information.  Technology also makes facilitates communication for educators.  Email is an incredibly convenient way to communicate with colleagues, parents, and students.   Most importantly understanding technology and being able to show students how to use technology is essential because students will need to master technology-related skills themselves to be successful in a wide variety of careers. 
            The technology-related skills I have mastered include the use of MS Office applications.  I have experience designing and maintaining a classroom Blackboard site.  I am also familiar with the electronic grade book – Teacher Access Center.  I have worked with a Smartboard, and continue to learn about Smartboard applications as a member of the Smartboard Revolution website.  I have found with the use of responders, Smartboards offer great opportunities for efficient electronic assessment of students.  I am also familiar with assistive technology software such as Kurzweil.  I also look forward to continue learning about new technologies as they develop.   

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