Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Getting to Know Students

            In order to help my students be most successful, I believe it is important to learn as much as you can about them and get to know each student as an individual.  Taking an interest in students not only helps in planning appropriate lessons, but it is also essential in developing positive relationships with students.  I believe students are more likely to succeed if teachers take an interest in their lives and students feel their teachers care about them and their academic progress.  One way I get to know students at the beginning of a school year or semester is by having them complete student questionnaires.  One example of a questionnaire I have used is posted under the Course Materials tab above.  I also make every effort to learn every student’s name as quickly as possible.  I have found these efforts have really helped my classes start out on the right note.   

            It is also important to understand student ability levels so I can plan lessons that are appropriately challenging for my students.  It is also important to get to know students’ interests and ambitions so one can design lessons that engage students and relevant to them.  Finally, I believe it is important to learn about students’ cultural backgrounds because this influences their background knowledge and perspectives on content mater.  It is important to encourage students to discuss their unique experiences and points of view so all students learn to appreciate the value of diversity. 

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